
Readme of the minlin mini linux distribution

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Mini Linux distribution made of 2 floppys. One contains mini linux system running under umsdos and libc4 / aout based. One contains gcc 2.4.5 compiler and svgalib. Runs from 386 4MB and can still be usable for development of small (svgalib) progs.

Why forget about all the historic versions of linux?

Are they really of no more value nowadays?

The answer is NO!

A lot of people in poor countrys can still not afford Pentium >200Mhz systems, but still would get in touch with a moderm multitasking unix environment! With this mini distribution, one can get to know a little bit of unix/linux and also start developing small applications especially utilizing svgalib. But, be carefully -- this is not for the average novice user! It is an outdated version! Some know-how and/or the will to bite into problems to solve them are required! But this still can be fun -- that's hacking!

Quick install quide:

1. Minlin basis system.
* Download minlin2.exe
* Execute in root of fat harddisk minlin2.exe (ex:
* (will expand into \linux subdir)
* cd \linux
* linux.bat c (where c is your drive letter)
* login: root (no password - its all yours :-)

2. Gcc install:

* Download c245.tgz to root of same fat harddisk
* start linux with cd \linux; linux.bat c; login as root
* cd / (change to root dir inside linux)
* tar zxvf /DOS/c245.tgz (Yep-DOS must be Uppercase!)
* sh install/
* done. look at /usr/src/*; /usr/local/* for some examples!

I would like to hear from you, if your have a new program/demo written
for and/or with minlin - please.